Monitor App
The “Monitor App” of School Travel Manager is a very powerful tool. It not only allows for instructions and messages to be relayed, but adds protection for the school and the driver as reports can be issued of exactly how the driver behaved and his adherence to legal and school requirements.
The application offers a raft of state-of-the-art tools that encompass everything that a driver of a school vehicle, or the monitor in charge of the pupils on the vehicle, could possibly want, including:
- Complete modular system – add / delete functionality.
- Behavioural report on passengers – comply with duty of care.
- Real time messaging – from school to driver in case of emergencies etc.
- Suite of pre-set driver messages – no need for driver to pick up phone whilst driving.

- A system to carry out real time vehicle checks prior to vehicle movements – with real time reporting so school office staff can see what is occurring.
- Job details
- Swipe on and off system – at all times the driver or monitor, and the school knows who is on / not on the on or not on the vehicle is probably better
- School & parents can monitor the vehicle in real time at every moment of trip.
- The setup of alerts – drop off times etc.
- It monitors each pickup point – time – who is getting on and off the vehicle probably need to say it monitors each pick up point and journey time and who is getting on and off the vehicle
- Gives detailed information of passengers – e.g. children with allergies etc.
- Provides navigation if needed – relief drivers may not know home addresses.

- Tool to ensure all passengers have disembarked vehicle.
- Performance reports – how driver complied with KPI’s
- Real time monitoring of speed of vehicle – protection for school & driver.
- Alerts, that driver is adhering to all road regulations.
These applications and tools are a significant step for any school to know just where their schoolchildren are at any time in transit. It also gives documentary evidence that the school was not negligent in any of its duty of care obligations.

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Our Youtube Channel has step by step training videos
on how to use Getting Started With School Travel Manager