Finding a Solution to the Stranded-Student Problem

Do you follow regular news on school bus safety? You may find some headlines about students and children left behind on buses. We generally see it happen several times per year, minimum, and it is always a concern.

Then, the police are involved and in some cases careers can be ruined from that one simple mistake.

Yes, bus drivers should be making sure that no child is ever stranded on a bus but sometimes it is not as easy as you think. A child who is small enough can potentially slip behind or under the seat where it is difficult to see them.

If you are looking for a solution then School Travel Manager is one that is perfect for you.

Safety On The School Bus – Get Every Child Off The Bus


More Driver Training

If we begin with the basics, then driver training should be at the very beginning in prevention. When the route has finished then he/she should go around the bus and check under and behind every seat. This should only take a few minutes but it can make the difference between a simple minor safety check and having consequences if not properly dealt with.

Check The Rear Emergency Exit

If you have a vehicle which has a rear safety exit, almost like an american styled school bus, it is a great way to see if any students or children are hiding out in your vehicle. By opening up the rear doors and looking underneath the seats should give you a clear view throughout most of the vehicle.

Not Just Once – But Twice

Perhaps the tasks mentioned above are easy to accomplish but why just leave these checks just for the drivers. If you have a supervisor or assistant who can check the vehicle again with a second inspection.

The Future Is Here

A new cloud based solution has arrived called School Travel Manager which has many features to help protect your children.

This includes features for not only the drivers, but for the school administration team and the children’s parents too. You can be sure that you can track your child from home to school and back again without worrying whether they have not left the bus.

For more information about this revolution in school safety, please contact School Travel Manager today and let’s protect your children today!